
OFA play up requests
OFA Play-Up Requests
OFA policy is that players should remain in their birthyear division. However, in very rare and extreme cases, it is best for a player to play-up one birthyear division for their own development as well as that of others in their birthyear. OFA staff will evaluate each case and make an appropriate decision using the following process:
1. Play-up requests must come directly from the coach and must include a written recommendation with the player’s name, age, current team, and justification for the request.
2. If the recommendation is justified, the Directors of Coaching will evaluate the player’s skill in a team setting.
3. The player evaluation will be presented to the Executive Director and OFA staff for final approval.
4. Approved play-up requests will be granted for one soccer year (Fall through Spring). Requests will need to be submitted and evaluated each year.
5. If the request is denied, the player will remain in their birthyear division and will remain eligible for another evaluation the following soccer year based on coach recommendation.
6. Full teams will not be allowed to play-up as players will need to be evaluated individually.